St. Pius X Parish has a rich history spanning over 50 years. St. Pius X Parish Community has seen the north side grow from a distant suburb with cornfields in the immediate area to a firmly established north side Indianapolis neighborhood. An unchanging aspect of St. Pius X Community is the sense of commitment and caring, a consistent characteristic of our parish community.
In 1992 St. Pius X had grown to the largest parish in the Indianapolis Archdiocese. Today, demographics are impacting the Parish and our size is somewhat less staggering, though we are currently the 12th largest parish in the Archdiocese.
We are challenged to take the gifts that have always been rich in the people and identify the ways we can utilize those gifts to keep our mission alive. It is an opportunity to enhance our unified strength, with a continued commitment to shared leadership and living the gospel message as a Christian Community.
Lay involvement has grown as our parishioners have recognized their call to be a more integral part of Christ's Church. The Parish Council, created in 1967, has become a vital consultative and envisioning body structure for the parish. More than 50 organizations/activities have evolved in both the parish and community at large. Through stewardship, St. Pius X parishioners provide the time, talent, and resources which enable the parish to provide programs to support the areas of: education, faith formation, liturgy, family life, youth, Christian service, administration, communication, and facilities.
The sacramental life of parishioners has remained a strong focus for St. Pius X Parish. Parishioners and parish staff have developed additional spiritual programs. Parish renewal such as Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP), Adult Religious Education programs, and small faith sharing groups complement the sacramental preparation programs, formal retreats and pre-marriage preparation that have existed in the parish for many years.
St. Pius X Catholic Parish has also embarked on and is embracing a covenant between the parish and its parishioners. This covenant was created to be our collective guide and hope for our faith future. Through a covenant individual faith can be strengthened when we understand our part in a faith community. Our belief can be more evident when it is demonstrated between and among the parish and its membership. Our desire to belong and feel a belonging can become special.
An area of strong interest at St. Pius X is the education of our youth. The Faith Formation office, staffed with dedicated catechists, currently serves over 140 students. St. Pius X School enrollment now stands at 434. Because the parish has recognized the need to serve our youth more effectively, additional resources and volunteers, as well as paid staff, work year-round with children and adolescents. This is accomplished with formal classroom education, including Special Religious Education (SPRED), youth retreats, a monthly youth Mass, summer Bible School, Sunday and sacramental preparation programs, community service projects as well as social activities and a full complement of C.Y.O. athletics.
The spirit of cooperation provides energy to the parish. To address needs, the parish has attempted to develop specific activities or programs to provide support to parishioners. The St. Pius X community is vibrant, reflecting lived Gospel values because of the commitment of individuals and families dedicated to a Christian way of life.