On Ash Wednesday our parish will join with the North Deanery for the annual Easter Basket Service Project. The mission of this project is to heed the call for almsgiving during Lent by providing food for an Easter meal for families who are financially challenged and to spread the power of our faith to the "streets and neighborhoods". St. Pius X Parish/School/Faith Formation will be collecting boxes of Mac and Cheese to try to help feed over 1,000 families. Cash contributions are gratefully accepted to help cover the cost of fresh ham and other perishable items. Checks can be made out to St. Pius with 'YM Basket" in the memo line. For your convenience, you can place your check in the collection on Sunday. There will be envelopes located at the information center in the Narthex of Church. Donate $25 and 'buy a bag'! The collection will run from Ash Wednesday through Sunday, March 31st.