The Evangelization Team at St. Pius X has created a new way for you to request prayers! You can now email your prayer request to:
When you email your prayer request members of the Evangelization Prayer Team will pray specifically and confidentiality for your request.
Please let us know of those in need of our prayers, support, and visitation. Contact the Parish Office if you wish someone’s name added to the prayer list that is announced at Mass. Contact the parish office to make arrangements to celebrate the Sacrament of the Sick or have communion brought to the sick. Call the parish office at 317-255-4534 in the case of an emergency. Please contact the Parish Office if you need a priest at 317-255-4534 or [email protected]
This is a group of parishioners who prepare food and/or serve lunch for bereaved families following their loved one's funeral at St. Pius. Volunteers are needed. For more information, contact Anne Broderick or Clara Duray
This ministry serves the spiritual and social needs of our parishioners who are fifty-five or older. Parish programs, events, speakers, and annual pilgrimages are developed to meet the spiritual growth needs of the participants.
For more information, contact Barney and Gloria Hayes.