Music has been a huge part of my life from the very beginning. I've been singing as long as I can remember, I started taking piano lessons from my father when I was five, and I have been singing and playing in church since I was in the first grade. I majored in Music Education at Valparaiso University, which is where I met my husband Mark Duray. I started my career as a high school choral director teaching first at North Central High School, and then at Zionsville Community High School. We are the proud parents of four wonderful children, Dominic, Sophia, Bella, and Maria. When our children were young, my career shifted to teaching piano and voice lessons, and being a parish accompanist at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Lebanon, IN. In 2003, Mark and I became the Directors of Music at St. Joseph, and then from 2005 - 2021, we srved as the Directors of Music Ministry at St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church in Carmel, IN. Additionally, I have sung professionally in chamber choirs such as Mon Choeur, Meridian Vocal Consort and Musik Ekklesia. I have also been a recording session vocalist at Aire Born Group in Zionsville, IN. I am thrilled to now be the Director of Music at St. Pius X Catholic Church. My responsibilities include planning, preparing, and providing music for the Sacred Liturgies, Sacraments, Devotions and Parish Activities. I am the Director of the Adult Choir, Women's Chorus, Funeral Choir, Children's Choir, Cantors, Accompanists and Instrumentalists. I also help to facilitate and coordinate the Handbell Choir, the Celebration Group and the scheduling of our Liturgical Ministers. Additionally, I plan all of our parish Funerals and Weddings, and Chair our Liturgy Committee. I am inspired to enhance and bring beauty to the worship experience of this parish community through servant-hearted leadership and example.