• Curriculum



The teachers at St. Pius X represent the very best of what a Catholic education has to offer. Our teachers provide students with both the basic skills, as well as, a framework for problem solving. The Indiana academic standards are used as the basis for all curricular decisions. Indiana state assessments, such as ISTEP+, reveal consistent high-performance among our students. 

Some curriculum highlights are:

  • Special area courses include: Spanish, Art, Music, Physical Education, Health, Music Appreciation, Media, and Technology.
  • Renaissance Learning Star 360 is used for reading and math data tracking and ensuring growth in these areas.
  • Khan Academy is used in math classes from 4th grade to 8th grade for reinforcement on concepts learned.
  • Technology is integrated into the curriculum.
  • A fully-staffed resource department.    

You can learn more information about the Indiana State Standards from their website.


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